Come and Visit us in Marseille for the Grande Braderie

Come and Visit us in Marseille for the Grande Braderie

On Friday 3rd and Saturday 4th June, we're organising a big clearance sale in Marseille.

We'll be using the shop around the corner from our flagship store.

Come and get some great deals if you're in the region!  Come quickly as stocks won't last.

NB : the Grande Braderie is not available to our e-shop customers.

Recap :

Where is it happening?

22 Rue du Petit chantier

13007 Marseille

When is it happening?

Friday 3rd and Saturday 4th June 2022 from 10am to 7 pm

You're not in Marseille at the moment? 

Not to worry, we regularly offer vente privée sales and deals to our subscribers via our social media accounts and our newsletter.  Sign up to our newsletter in the form at the bottom of the page 👇👇👇   or join us on Facebook and Instagram.

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